Friday, September 26, 2014

Holistic or Sustainable Marketing

Due to the rapid rate of increase in the population all over the world, combined with the Industrial revolution accompanied by mass production and consumption habits, we have often chosen to ignore the impact of our production and consumption habits on the environment and our societies as a whole. Climate change, loss of biodiversity, a rapid depletion of non-renewable resources and even on resources, which are deemed renewable, to name only a few of the environmental issues the world is facing.
To address all these issues, Vodafone operates a global CR management system. All the Vodafone operating companies, report against 49 KPIs on a bi-annual basis. These KPIs include performance against quantitative targets for energy efficiency, mobile recycling, responsible marketing and network waste management. Each year this information is aggregated to form a full picture of Vodafone’s global footprint and performance. Vodafone Group publishes an online Sustainability Report . This report is accompanied by other local operating company reports such as this one, which focus on the specific impacts within the local country.
                The Vodafone Business Principles represent the commitments Vodafone makes to its stakeholders around the world across all legislative environments. The Principles cover our interactions with customers, employees, suppliers, communities, the environment, government and business partners and competitors.

Products that are making a difference : -
1. Connecting MNCs with Farmers : Contributing towards a larger goal, we collaborated with one of the world's largest confectionery companies to establish direct communication between them and the cocoa producers. Our solutions are helping the cocoa producers to indicate the quantity and date of the produce through a voice portal.The company's sourcing team is able to efficiently plan its collection routes using the information from the portal.
2. Reducing the impact of SIM Cards : Effective July,2011, the surrounding plastic packaging of all the SIM cards sold by Vodafone has been reduced by half. Vodafone is coordinating with its suppliers to implement this fundamental change. As approximately 18 million Vodafone SIM cards are sold every month, this initiatives is resulting in significant reduction of consumption of plastic.
3. Saving trees, one fold at a time : Starting from May, 2011, Vodafone started delivering all the bills to its customers in smaller envelopes. As approximately, 6 million bills are printed every month, the initiative will save a lot of trees from being cut down.

Processes that are making a difference :-
1. Reducing e-waster footprint  -  In order to manage their waste and compliance risks better, Vodafone's supply chain in collaboration with its sustainability team, took up an ambitious exercise of inventorization of all their IT and network waste across the firm this year. This exhaustive exercise resulted in development of a 'Waste Management Manual'. It was developed to ensure the adequate disposal of all the hazardous waste by types such as e-waste, plastic waste, food waste and used lead acid batteries across the organization.      

                These are just a few of the measures adopted by Vodafone to ensure holistic and sustainable marketing of their extensive array of products and services. For more details you can refer to their latest annual sustainability report. The link has been provided below.

Vodafone Group Plc Annual Sustainability Report 2012-13


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